Monday, October 24, 2011

If Chanakya were alive today....

1. He stole from the official Magadha treasury to finance his exploits. How can he talk about corruption in Magadha

2. He used Alexander, the Great to destroy the power of the smaller kings so that Chandragupta could be the unchallenged emperor of Bharat. How can we trust someone like him to protect us from foreign powers

3. He used funds raised from businessmen to finance the education of his protégé Chrandragupta in Taxila. The businessmen did not know to what end their funds were being used. And he talks about money being siphoned away for personal purpose. Ha!

4. He used “Poison-girls” or “Vish Kanyas” to kill enemies including the illustrious Paurus. What the hell. Ethics anyone?

5. He used concubines to lay sex traps for politicians and blackmailed them. Talks about renunciation and celibacy. Bloody Hypocrite

6. Chandragupta seduced Cornelia, the daughter of Seleucus (Vassal of Alexander the Great) to further several aims including inciting the revolt of the tribesmen of Afghanistan against Seleucus. How can one play with someone’s feelings?

7. His expenditures are obscure and he has lot of fictitious accounts. He’s supposedly poor but travels in caravans with dozens of escorts. Must be investigated.

8. How can an ascetic get involved in politics? He should stick to what he does and knows best

9. He’s avenging the death of his father and has a personal agenda. Love of the country is but a façade. Don’t fall for this charlatan guys.

10. Why only Magadha? Can’t he see the corruption and decadence of other kingdoms like Kalinga, Kaikeyi, Gandhar? Why doesn’t he fight for the citizens there?

11. He’s a good man but his lieutenants are greedy power mongers. He should stay away from them

12. Chandragupta issued a statement supporting the right of Kalinga for self-determination. Down with his head! Team Chanakya wants to partition Magadha.

13. As a child he took a loan of 5 bronze shillings to pay for his father’s cremation. He paid back the loan after a year but without interest which now amounts to 100 silver shillings. He must pay that back!

14. I have credible information he’s a face for the extremist Brahmans and has their support. In fact I have a letter to prove the same

15. This Brahman will wipe out the Shudras who’ve borne the brunt of Brahman domination for centuries. He should install a Shudra king to show he’s clean

Does that ring a bell somewhere?


  1. Brilliantly lovely comparisons :) Very well written, Im sure ur IIMC Interviewing proff would be proud :D
    Whos Chandragupt here btw?

  2. thanx buddy :) Aah..tats the issue with Anna..No Chandragupta in sight :(

  3. This looks more like the boss of CIA, FBI or other 3-letter institutions. Ever wondered where does USA stand on this ?

  4. Well Chanakya was the original exponent of real politik on such a gigantic scale. Good point about USA though, it may play a very important role but we need to have perspicacious leaders on our side, not the bunch of jokers we have now

  5. nice analogies there,i am sure there must have been such people who raised such questions back then but history has not remembered them ....

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